On 1st September 2024, Utkal Gujarati Samaj hosted a spiritually enriching Rudra Abhishek Puja, drawing participation from more than 30 families. The sacred ceremony was led by a renowned priest from Chhattisgarh, who performed the rituals with deep devotion, invoking blessings for all attendees. The event was meticulously organized by the Mahila Mandal, ensuring every detail was well-executed, from decorations to prasad distribution.
Young volunteers from the Gujarati community actively participated, managing the event with enthusiasm and dedication, reflecting the unity and involvement of the younger generation in preserving traditions. Shri Rajendra Dholakia, MLA from Biju Janata Dal, graced the occasion with his presence, adding a sense of prestige and honor to the event.
The Rudra Abhishek Puja not only strengthened the spiritual bonds within the community but also highlighted Utkal Gujarati Samaj's
efforts to maintain and promote cultural and religious traditions. Families from across Odisha and nearby regions gathered to offer their prayers, fostering a strong sense of togetherness. The event was followed by a community lunch, where devotees interacted and shared their spiritual experiences.
The Samaj, through such initiatives, continues to provide a platform for cultural integration and religious practices, ensuring that age-old customs are passed on to future generations.